
O-Gallery仰望艺术展 - 倾听三水、潘宁瀛、邵柯森画里的声音

编辑 阿荣 内容来源: 风尚中国 2014-07-03 02:52:29



O-Gallery is proud to present three up-and-coming Chinese artists – Pan Ning, San Shui, and S. KESEN. Their works grab the audience’s attention, making oneself stop and think deeply about the meaning engraved within. 


Pan Ning is an artist from Wuhan who graduated from Hunan Normal University. His style is about freshness and elegance without losing the classical touch. With soft, delicate colors and exquisite brushworks in his painting, bringing people into a serene aesthetic conception.  For a long time he has been drawn to the past and now he finds Chinese tradition so broad and profound. Understanding tradition and contemporary through the eyes of china then we can understand the world. 


三水,中国当代影像艺术家三水,出生于中国哈尔滨,现居住在上海. 曾任主流媒体视觉总监等,现专职从事观念摄影和影像装置等综合媒介创作。三水的成名作《外滩》系列,表达了他对全球环境恶化的关注,以及对人们环保意识的希冀。三水善于利用超现实主义的风格创作出现实与虚幻交织的画面引起人们的深思。《盲区》系列亦是如此,诉说着历史的高墙与云雾里带着神秘色彩的奥运建筑形成了一种让人悲哀的历史盲区,轻松和幽默却成了三水“自由”的作品的标志。

San Shui is a Chinese contemporary artist, born in Harbin, who is currently living and working in Shanghai. He worked as a visual director in some of the most famous media, before he committed completely to his work in creative photography. Sanshui’s famous series “The Bund” is the product of his deep concern for the environment and his hope that his work will inspire more people to pay attention to this serious problem. Sanshui is using a surrealistic style, in order to create an arresting picture where reality and fantasy come together.  


S. KESEN is a young Shanghai based artist, who graduated from China Academy of Art. His works instantly draw one’s attention and leave in him a deep impression. He uses dark colors which create a sense of sadness, desperation and confusion. The images in S. KEREN’s works look like they came out of a nightmare – scary, grotesque-like figures, which inspire fear and curiosity. After seeing his paintings, one cannot help it but wonder what the secrets, hidden behind them are.  


作为O.Gallery 画廊主 Jp LAM 表示,通过本次展会,来宾们将感受一次视觉上的冲击,三个风格迥异的画家将呈现一场别开生面的艺术盛宴。

This exhibition represents three different styles of artists and their unique feeling of art. 
“Light could bring so much darkness, and the darkness could bring so much light” –JP LAM 
“Smile so no one would see what you’re going through. Make art, you wouldn’t be able to hide it” –JP LAM






标签:O.Gallery    三水老师    潘宁瀛    邵柯森    S.Kesen    画家    画展    